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Putin Sends Condolences to Iran Over Death of Raisi

© Sputnik / POOL / Go to the mediabankVladimir Putin and Ebrahim Raisi, 19 July
Vladimir Putin and Ebrahim Raisi, 19 July - Sputnik International, 1920, 20.05.2024
MOSCOW (Sputnik) -Earlier in the day, Iranian Vice President Mohsen Mansouri confirmed media reports that Raisi and his delegation, including Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian, died in a helicopter crash in northwestern Iran.
Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed his condolences to Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei regarding death of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi.
"Dear [Supreme Leader of Iran Ali] Khamenei, please accept my deep condolences on the huge tragedy that befell the people of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the plane crash that claimed the life of President Ebrahim Raisi, as well as the lives of a number of other prominent government figures of your country," the telegram read.
Putin called the death of Raisi a huge tragedy for the Iranian people, saying that he was an outstanding politician who dedicated his life to serving his country.
"As a true friend of Russia, he made an invaluable personal contribution to the development of good neighborly relations between our countries and made great efforts to bring them to the level of strategic partnership," the telegram added.
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