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Which Countries Recognize Palestine?

The recognition of Palestine is an important step in acknowledging the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination and statehood. It is a major milestone in the ongoing struggle in the Middle East.
The State of Palestine is recognized by 143 countries around the world, which is a significant majority of the international community.
On Wednesday, Norway and Spain said they would formally recognize Palestine as a state on May 28. Later in the day, Irish Prime Minister Simon Harris announced his country's recognition of Palestine.
Until Wednesday, Palestine had been recognized by nine EU member states. Eight countries — Bulgaria, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Romania, and Slovakia — recognized it in 1988, before joining the European Union, and Sweden in 2014.
Russia's move toward recognition of a Palestinian state came in November 1988 with the declaration by the Palestine National Council of an independent state of Palestine.
Take a look at Sputnik's infographics showing which countries around the world have recognized Palestine:
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