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Hezbollah Targets Israeli Iron Dome Battery With UAVs Day After Downing IDF Drone

© AFP 2023 / JOSEPH EIDA picture taken on May 22, 2020 shows a military drone at the Hezbollah memorial landmark in the hilltop bastion of Mleeta, built in 2010 to commemorate Israel's withdrawal from the country, near the Lebanese southern village of Jarjouaa.
A picture taken on May 22, 2020 shows a military drone at the Hezbollah memorial landmark in the hilltop bastion of Mleeta, built in 2010 to commemorate Israel's withdrawal from the country, near the Lebanese southern village of Jarjouaa. - Sputnik International, 1920, 02.06.2024
The Lebanese militia and political movement has downed three multi-million dollar IDF drones since February amid raging border tensions in the face of Israel’s war in Gaza. Hezbollah’s leader, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, warned this week that the militia has a “doctrinal, ethical and religious responsibility” to fight Israel to the end.
Air raid sirens sounded over northern Israel and the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights on Sunday morning as Hezbollah drones flew across the border undetected and proceeded on to their target – an IDF Iron Dome battery.
Israeli media said at least three drones were involved, with one of them shot down over Metula, a small settlement running right up against the border with Lebanon. Two more apparently evaded air defenses made their way to Katzrin, the unofficial capital of the Israeli-occupied portion of the Golan Heights.
The explosive-laden UAVs reportedly crashed down in open areas outside the settlement, one of them sparking a blaze. The Israeli military deployed forces to the area to search for debris. No injuries were reported.
The Israeli Air Force announced overnight strikes Saturday and early Sunday morning against suspected Hezbollah compounds in Beqaa, Bint Jbeil, Qana, and Baraachit “in response” to the group’s shootdown of a $6 million Israeli Hermes 900 heavy drone near Deir Kifa, southern Lebanon.
An Israeli Hermes drone falls from the skies after being struck by a Hezbollah surface-to-air missile over southern Lebanon. Screenshot of social media video. - Sputnik International, 1920, 01.06.2024
Hezbollah Shoots Down Another $6 Mln Israeli Hermes Drone Over Southern Lebanon
Along with the drone shootdown, Hezbollah fired a pair of 500 kg Burkan rockets into northern Israel on Saturday, with Israeli media reporting that one of the rockets landed a direct hit on the Gibor Military Base near Kiryat Shmona, northern Israel.
Clashes between Hezbollah and the IDF broke out last fall in the aftermath of the dramatic escalation of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict last October, when a surprise Hamas raid into southern Israel from Gaza sparked a massive Israeli bombing campaign and ground offensive into the besieged 365 square km strip of land.
The fighting between Hezbollah and the IDF forced Israel to keep a substantial portion of its military in the north, and has caused hundreds of casualties on both sides. Nearly 200,000 Lebanese and Israeli civilians have been displaced from border areas by the fighting, with at least 89 Lebanese, 10 Israeli, and 15 Syrian civilians killed to date.

Hezbollah’s military capabilities far exceed those of Hamas, with US and Israeli think tanks estimating that the group has at least 150,000 rockets and anti-tank missiles and up to 2,000 drones. Hezbollah's strength is also derived in part from its complement of battle-hardened fighters with many years of experience in asymmetric warfare against an array of foes, from the Israeli Army to Daesh*, al-Qaeda*, and other terrorists in Syria, where they were deployed in the early 2010s to assist the besieged government of President Bashar Assad.

In this Sunday, Oct. 9, 2016 photo, Hezbollah fighters stand atop a car mounted with a mock rocket, as they parade during a rally to mark the seventh day of Ashoura, in the southern village of Seksakiyeh, Lebanon. - Sputnik International, 1920, 10.11.2023
Scott Ritter Explains Why Israel Cannot Beat Hezbollah on Its Own
* Terrorist groups outlawed in Russia and many other countries.
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