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Putin Talks to International Media at SPIEF

© Sputnik / POOL / Go to the mediabankRussian President Vladimir Putin attends a meeting with culture professionals of the Tver region at the Pozharsky's Hotel museum complex in Torzhok, Tver region, Russia.
Russian President Vladimir Putin attends a meeting with culture professionals of the Tver region at the Pozharsky's Hotel museum complex in Torzhok, Tver region, Russia. - Sputnik International, 1920, 05.06.2024
No fixed agenda has been set for the press encounter, making the discussion more flexible and sensitive to the most pressing issues with journalists free to ask what they wish.
Sputnik is live from Saint Petersburg where President Vladimir Putin talks to the heads of international news agencies on the sidelines of the Saint Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF).
Top journos from more than ten nations, including states with unfriendly stances towards Russia, will participate in the encounter.
The agenda of the meeting is not fixed, which gives journalists the freedom to discuss the most pressing issues concerning Russia and global politics. Putin himself said that this approach permits him to articulate his stance on the issues that “represent big, serious interest” and “usually are fundamental”.
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