- Sputnik International, 1920
The Critical Hour
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SPIEF Opens in St. Petersburg; US Drones to the Philippines

SPIEF Opens in St. Petersburg; US Drones to the Philippines; Latin American and Russian Dedollarization
The St Petersburg Economic Forum opens as Russia advocates for global cooperation based on equality and the rule of law.
Mark Sleboda, an international relations and security analyst, joins us to discuss the St Petersburg Economic Forum as Russia advocates for global cooperation based on equality and the rule of law.
Regis Tremblay, an American citizen living in Crimea, joins us to discuss the conflict in Ukraine and US efforts to counter Russian drone technology.
Jamarl Thomas, co-host of Fault Lines, joins us to discuss the 2024 election.
George Koo, journalist, social activist, and international business consultant, joins us to discuss the US sending drones to the Philippines and US/EU tariffs on Chinese EVs.
Sabrina Salvati, the Boston-based activist, discusses dysfunctional politics in the US.
Craig Jardula, co-host of the Convo Couch and host of the new show Pasta2go, joins us to discuss the Mexican election and Russia discussing de-dollarization with Latin American states.
James Counts Early, former Assistant Secretary of Education and Public Service at the Smithsonian Institution and board member at the Institute for Policy Studies in Washington, DC, joins us to discuss politics and economics in Venezuela.
The views and opinions expressed in this program are those of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect the position of Sputnik.
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