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Watch Russia's Northern Fleet Warships Arrive in Cuba

The Cuban Foreign Ministry noted that the visit of the Russian vessels fully complies with international rules. None of the ships carry nuclear weapons and their deployment does not pose a threat to the region, the ministry stressed.
The naval strike group of the Russian Northern Fleet - which includes the Kazan submarine, the Admiral Gorshkov frigate and a rescue tugboat of the Russian Navy Nikolai Chiker - has entered the port of Havana as part of a long-range cruise, a Sputnik correspondent has reported.
Two welcoming ceremonies for the ships will be held in the port - separately for a frigate and a submarine.
A diverse tactical group of four vessels, including support vessels that previously practiced the use of high-precision missile weapons in the Atlantic, are on an official visit to the port of Havana from June 12 to 17. The Russian sailors plan to meet with the Cuban Navy command and the Governor of Havana, as well as visit historical and cultural sites.
Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy Alexander Moiseev told Sputnik that the visit to Cuba is only one among the tasks of a large-scale Russian-Сuban cooperation.
Cuban President Raul Castro, left, and Russian President Vladimir Putin attend a ceremony at the Mausoleum of the Soviet Internationalist Soldier in Havana, Cuba, Friday, July 11, 2014 - Sputnik International, 1920, 12.06.2024
Russian Ships Entering Cuba Give US a Dose of Its Own Medicine
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