- Sputnik International, 1920
The Critical Hour
The mainstream news outlets play it safe by parroting the perspectives of their corporate benefactors. The Critical Hour uses clear, cutting edge insight and analysis to examine national and international issues impacting the global village in which we live.

BRICS Developing Currency Transaction Platform; New Ukraine Enemies List Gets Congressional Pushback

BRICS Developing Currency Transaction Platform; New Ukraine Enemies List Gets Congressional Pushback
A new list of designated enemies of Ukraine has drawn the attention of the US Congress, which requested information about its origin from the US State Department.
Mark Sleboda, an international relations and security analyst, discusses the new long-term security agreement between the G7 and Ukraine.
KJ Noh, writer, activist, and teacher, joins us to discuss US sanctions against China and a report that China seeks to stabilize relations with the US.
Dr. Linwood Tauheed, an Associate Professor of Economics at the University of Missouri-Kansas City, joins us to discuss BRICS' move to create a platform for transactions in national currencies.
Misty Winston, radio host, free speech activist, and press freedom activist, joins us to discuss moves for a SCOTUS ethics bill and culture wars in the US House.
Steve Poikonen, host of AM WakeUp & SlowNewsDay live on Rokfin & Rumble, joins us to discuss a new list of designated enemies of Ukraine that has drawn the attention of the US Congress and a request to the US State Department for information about its origin.
Dr. Jemima Pierre, Professor at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada, a Black Alliance for Peace member, and an editor of the Black Agenda Review, discusses US moves for foreign intervention in Haiti.
Netfa Freeman, host of Voices With Vision on WPFW 89.3 FM, Pan-Africanist, and internationalist organizer, joins us to discuss the Chocolate Wars in Africa.
Dr. David Oualaalou, international geopolitical consultant, veteran and author, joins us to discuss the potential for a broader war in Europe.
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