Люди во время встречи первого восхода солнца Нового 2023 года в Сеуле  - Sputnik International, 1920, 21.04.2023
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Archaeologists Unearth 18th-Century Glass Bottles at Washington's Mount Vernon Mansion

© AP Photo / Susan WalshThe home of the first U.S. president, President George Washington in Mount Vernon, Va., Monday, April 23, 2018.
The home of the first U.S. president, President George Washington in Mount Vernon, Va., Monday, April 23, 2018.  - Sputnik International, 1920, 15.06.2024
WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - Archaeologists discovered 35 18th century glass bottles in storage pits at George Washington’s Mount Vernon mansion cellar, according to a statement on the Mount Vernon website.
"Archaeologists at George Washington’s Mount Vernon have unearthed an astounding 35 glass bottles from the 18th century in five storage pits in the Mansion cellar of the nation’s first president," the statement said.
Twenty-nine of the 35 discovered bottles are intact, containing well-preserved cherries and berries, which are now under refrigeration at Mount Vernon for scientific analysis, the statement said.
"The bottles are slowly drying in the Mount Vernon archaeology lab and will be sent off-site for conservation," the statement added.
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The discovery follows the recent find of two 18th century European glass bottles containing liquid, cherries and pits, part of the $40 million privately-funded Mansion Revitalization Project at Mount Vernon.
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