- Sputnik International, 1920
Political Misfits
Political Misfits bring you news, politics and culture from the belly of Washington DC without the red and blue treatment. Informed by progressive politics, class analysis and anti-war activism, we break down the day's pressing economic, social and political stories from perspectives often ignored.

G7 Meeting Wraps Up, Medical Debt Reform, Google Leak

G7 Meeting Wraps Up, Medical Debt Reform, Google Leak
Consumer sentiment plummets at a crucial time for the White House, and the Pentagon is revealed to have run a covert anti-vax campaign.
International affairs and security analyst Mark Sleboda joins Misfits hosts Michelle Witte and John Kiriakou to discuss the meeting of lame duck G7 leaders, President Joe Biden's promise to continue supporting Ukraine, whether Israel will get what it hopes for as conflict with Hezbollah escalates, what to expect from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's upcoming visit to the United States, and Russian President Vladimir Putin's upcoming trip to Vietnam and North Korea.
Author, editor, and longtime psychology researcher and professor Dr. Robert Epstein discusses the impact of Google’s search result manipulation, what a new leak of internal documents reveals, who Google pays to plead its case with legislators, and the failure to recognize Big Tech dominance as a bipartisan problem.
Professor of law and public policy Robert Hockett discusses Donald Trump's day on Capitol Hill yesterday, the evolution of Republican convention plank positions, how immigration and border policies will affect both campaigns, new battleground state polls for Trump and Biden, and whether Hunter Biden will go to prison.
President of Healthy California Now and longtime nurses union organizer Michael Lighty discusses health care spending increasing to nearly $8 trillion within the next eight years, where this private insurance spending is actually going, how these costs could be reduced, and a new rule to ban the use of medical debt in calculating credit scores.
The Misfits also discuss this week’s News of the Weird, including a member of the Four Tops being detained at a hospital, Trump mistaking Milwaukee for Ho Chi Minh City, and the inauguration of a fecal museum in Arizona.
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