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Houthis Say Attacked US Destroyer, 2 Ships in Red, Arabian Seas

© AP Photo / MOHAMMED HUWAISNewly recruited Houthi fighters take part in a gathering in the capital Sanaa to mobilize more fighters to battlefronts to fight pro-government forces in several Yemeni cities, on January 3, 2017
Newly recruited Houthi fighters take part in a gathering in the capital Sanaa to mobilize more fighters to battlefronts to fight pro-government forces in several Yemeni cities, on January 3, 2017 - Sputnik International, 1920, 17.06.2024
CAIRO (Sputnik) - Yemen's Ansar Allah rebel movement, also known as the Houthis, said that it had attacked a US destroyer and two commercial vessels in the Red and Arabian Seas.
"The missile unit and naval forces of our Yemeni armed forces carried out two military operations in the Red Sea," Houthi military spokesman Yahya Saree said on Sunday.
The spokesman said that the Houthis fired missiles at a US destroyer and the Captain Paris vessel in the Red Sea. He also added that the movement attacked with drones the Happy Condor vessel in the Arabian Sea.
Screenshot from Houthi Media Office video showing a new hypersonic missile system unveiled by the defiant Yemeni militia this week. - Sputnik International, 1920, 07.06.2024
Houthis Vow to Continue Targeting US Carrier Group After Unveiling New Hypersonic Missile
The Houthis have been launching attacks on commercial and military vessels in the region for months in response to Israeli military operations in the Gaza Strip. The attacks prompted the United States to form a multinational coalition to protect shipping in the area, as well as to strike Houthi targets on the ground.
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