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Germany's Tornado Fighters Practice Dropping Laser-Guided GBU-54 Bombs in Alaska

© AFP 2023 / DPA / CARSTEN REHDERA Tornado reconnaissance jet of the German army Tactical Air Force Squadron 51 "Immelmann" lands on December 2, 2015 in at the airbase in Jagel, northern Germany
A Tornado reconnaissance jet of the German army Tactical Air Force Squadron 51 Immelmann lands on December 2, 2015 in at the airbase in Jagel, northern Germany - Sputnik International, 1920, 22.06.2024
MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Germany's Tornado combat aircraft have practiced dropping GBU-54 laser-guided precision bombs as part of the Pacific Skies 24 exercise in Alaska, the German air force said on Saturday.
"The Tornadoes of [the Luftwaffe] also drop bombs at Pacific Skies 24 in Alaska. GBU54, laser-guided bombs," the air force said on X.
During the drills, for the first time in many years, the German fighters descended to a minimum flight altitude of 30 meters (98 feet), rising only right before dropping the bombs, German newspaper Munchner Merkur reported.
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"That is exactly why we bought the Tornado fighter jets in the 1980s. With these aircraft, you can fly under enemy radars. This means that they can remain almost undetected by enemy air defense for a long time," Lt. Col. Christoph Hachmeister was quoted as saying by the newspaper.
More than 30 fighter planes, helicopters, transport aircraft and tanker aircraft are taking part in five individual maneuvers in Alaska, Japan, Australia, India and Hawaii as part of the Pacific Skies 24. The joint exercises of the German, French and Spanish air forces will last until mid-August.
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