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Romania to Launch Domestic Drone Production By Year-End

© Sputnik / Denis Abramov / Go to the mediabankA drone
A drone - Sputnik International, 1920, 22.06.2024
CHISINAU (Sputnik) - Romania plans to design an indigenous unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) and open a center preparing drone operators this year, Economy Minister Radu Oprea said on Saturday.
"We are convinced that by the end of summer we will have a project plan ready for the Romanian drone. By the end of the year the plan will be implemented. Carfil, the company representing the state-owned Romarm, intends to open a center preparing UAV operators both for civilian and military purposes," Oprea was quoted by Radio Romania.
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The Carfil company has signed an agreement with US Periscope Aviation to move the production of its drone from China to Romania, Opera added.
In May, Romanian Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu said that the country was working on a drone production project as part of the army rearmament.
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