- Sputnik International, 1920
The Backstory
The Backstory brings you in-depth reporting, updates on the latest headlines and great guests in a high energy show that's both informative and entertaining. The rest of the media brings you the narrative and the spin. Join Rachel Blevins and get the truth behind the headlines with The Backstory.

Biden's Health Becomes Hot Topic at NATO Summit

Biden's Health Becomes Hot Topic at NATO Summit
On this edition of The Backstory, host Rachel Blevins delved into several topics from around the globe, including the latest from the NATO Summit in Washington.
The Backstory began on Tuesday with podcast host and journalist Craig 'Pasta' Jardula speaking to Rachel about the latest from Capitol Hill, where several politicians are calling for US President Joe Biden to drop out of the presidential race.
Following a discussion on the 2024 election, Rachel switched gears to the NATO Summit. Writer Nebojsa Malic spoke to Rachel about the main topics at the NATO Summit, which is taking place in Washington, DC this week.
In the last hour of the show, Rachel was joined by the host of CGTN Radio, Anna Ge, who discussed a slew of topics from China, including Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban's surprise visit to Beijing.
Human rights and labor lawyer Dan Kovalik would help conclude the show with a discussion on his new book, which delves into the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.
The views and opinions expressed in this program are those of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect the position of Sputnik.
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