- Sputnik International, 1920
Political Misfits
Political Misfits bring you news, politics and culture from the belly of Washington DC without the red and blue treatment. Informed by progressive politics, class analysis and anti-war activism, we break down the day's pressing economic, social and political stories from perspectives often ignored.

DC NATO Summit, Climate Resiliency, Medicare Advantage Fraud

DC NATO Summit, Climate Resiliency, Medicare Advantage Fraud
NATO leaders assemble in Washington as Congressional Democrats fret over whether to change their presidential nominee.
Canadian author and activist Yves Engler Yves Engler joins Misfits hosts Michelle Witte and John Kiriakou to discuss this week’s NATO summit in Washington DC, the different excuses the bloc offers to postpone Ukrainian membership, how members are pressuring Canada to increase military spending, whether NATO needs to “Trump-proof” itself, and whether a second Donald Trump presidency actually will affect US military spending at all.
Author and environmental organizer Tina Landis discusses ongoing heat waves plaguing the United States, how the ways in which cities are built trap heat and exacerbate its effects, how cities should respond both in design and in public health preparations, and what stands in the way of these transformations.
Writer and journalist Daniel Lazare discusses veteran Democratic strategist James Carville’s proposal for removing Joe Biden as the Democratic nominee for president in November, what role past Democratic presidents could play in deplatforming Biden, why the Democratic party seems to lack any formal and transparent power structures to respond to the moment, the current Republican platform, who could and should be Donald Trump's running mate, and the sweetheart deal that the Justice Department has given to Boeing.
President of Healthy California Now and longtime nurses union organizer Michael Lighty discusses a Wall Street Journal analysis indicating massive fraud among Medicare Advantage insurers, why such fraud is allowed to occur, and what it would take to break up the massive insurers implicated.
The Misfits also discuss reports that a doctor specializing in Parkinsons’ has visited the White House on multiple occasions.
The views and opinions expressed in this program are those of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect the position of Sputnik.
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