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How Many Foreign Mercs Have Fought and Died in Ukraine

A Russian hacker group calling itself RaHDit has compiled and released information on over 3,200 foreign mercenaries fighting for Ukraine, revealing embarrassing details on the motley collection of freaks and criminals assembled to fight Russia. Where do Ukraine's merc forces come from? How many are still alive? Check out Sputnik's infographic.
Sputnik has trawled through RaHDit's collection of information about foreign mercenaries fighting in Ukraine, uncovering a diverse array of misfits, losers and lawbreakers, from an American child predator arrested for raping a child in his own family, to oddball European neo-Nazis (one of them sporting Nazi tattoos on his face), to an Australian man fighting in a secret Israeli-linked Ukrainian intelligence unit known as Phantom, a trans woman who came to Ukraine to fight the Russians for a change of pace from her gig as a "drag king" in Poland, and a US Army vet and apparent bullsh*t artist who left his wife and family in America for a new love in Ukraine.
RaHDit's archive contains the names and detailed personal info on over 3,200 mercs - a good chunk of the nearly 13,200 tracked in detail by the Russian Defense Ministry.
Meanwhile, MoD figures suggest that Poland, the United States and Georgia top the list of countries where the mercs are coming from, with Canada, the United Kingdom, Romania, Colombia, France, Croatia and Brazil rounding out the top ten.
European countries account for well over half of the fighters (7,900+), followed by 3,000+ from the Americas, nearly 1,900 from Asia, almost 250 from Africa, and 77 from Australia and Oceania. According to the MoD, close to 5,900 of the fighters have been killed, 1,497 of them from Poland, 1,113 from the US and 1,042 from Georgia.
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