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Peruvian Foreign Ministry Says Venezuelan Diplomats Must Leave Country Within 72 Hours

© AFP 2023 / MARCELO GARCIAHandout picture released by the Venezuelan presidency showing Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, speaking during the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of America (ALBA) Summit at the Miraflores presidential palace in Caracas, on June 24, 2021.
Handout picture released by the Venezuelan presidency showing Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, speaking during the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of America (ALBA) Summit at the Miraflores presidential palace in Caracas, on June 24, 2021. - Sputnik International, 1920, 30.07.2024
BUENOS AIRES (Sputnik) - Venezuelan diplomats must leave Peru within three days, the Peruvian Foreign Ministry said on Monday.
Earlier on Monday, the Venezuelan government announced that it was recalling its diplomats from a number of Latin American countries, including Peru, that had not recognized the results of the presidential election. At the same time, Venezuela demanded that these governments immediately recall their representatives from its territory.
"Following the decisions of the Venezuelan side, Foreign Minister Javier Gonzalez-Olaechea Franco instructed that the diplomatic staff of Venezuela accredited in Peru be informed that they must leave the country within 72 hours," the ministry's statement says.
The presidential election was held in Venezuela on Sunday, and the current head of state, Nicolas Maduro, won it. On Monday, protests began in Caracas, with clashes between the police and protesters. The Venezuelan government has declared that a number of countries had interfered in the elections and in the people's right to self-determination.
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