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Trump Facilitated Collapse of US-Russia Arms Control by Scrapping INF Treaty

© AP Photo / Los Alamos National LaboratoryThe mushroom cloud from Ivy Mike (codename given to the test) rises above the Pacific Ocean over the Enewetak Atoll in the Marshall Islands on November 1, 1952 at 7:15 am (local time)
The mushroom cloud from Ivy Mike (codename given to the test) rises above the Pacific Ocean over the Enewetak Atoll in the Marshall Islands on November 1, 1952 at 7:15 am (local time) - Sputnik International, 1920, 01.08.2024
WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - Then-President Donald Trump made a "stupid mistake" by deciding to scrap the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty, as the consequences of that fateful decision have been the collapse of strategic arms control policies between the United States and Russia, analysts told Sputnik.
The INF treaty, signed between the Soviet Union and the US in 1987, banned the countries from developing and possessing ground-launched ballistic and cruise missiles with ranges from 500-5,500 kilometers.
In 2019, Trump withdrew the US from the treaty, which prompted Russia to suspend its participation in the Cold War-era accord in response.
August 2 marks the fifth anniversary of the US' formal withdrawal from the INF Treaty.

Restraint Abandoned

"The consequences have been that strategic arms control policies between Russia and the US/NATO have largely been abandoned and both sides have developed nuclear capable intermediate range missiles that raise the likelihood that they will be resorted to in a potential escalating conflict like in Ukraine," former CIA analyst, founder and chair of the Council for the National Interest Philip Giraldi said.
There were sharp differences of opinion in the Trump administration on whether to retain the treaty, in spite of both sides' claims that there was "cheating," Giraldi recalled. "The neocons predictably won the argument."
A Soviet inspector examines a BGM-109G ground-launched cruise missile in 1988 prior to its destruction - Sputnik International, 1920, 01.11.2020
'Giant Mistake': Reagan's Secretary of State Condemns US Withdrawal From INF Treaty With Russia
Back in the 1980s, despite hawkish governments in London and Bonn, popular sentiment across Europe, especially in Germany overwhelmingly favored creating the treaty, Giraldi emphasized.
"Interestingly enough, I was in the CIA German station in Hamburg 1982-5 when the whole issue of intermediate range missiles, which theoretically allowed for no warning devastating nuclear capable attack, was being debated," he said.
"There were huge demonstrations in all German cities against the deployment and in favor of an agreement," Giraldi reported. "The US Consulate General was located near Hamburg's central lake, the Alster and thousands of demonstrators would gather along the lakefront and storm the front of the building by crossing the access road that surrounded the lake."

Attempt to Show He's 'Tough' on Russia

American University in Moscow President Edward Lozansky, a former Soviet nuclear physicist, noted that Trump had heeded his two most influential advisers at the time, CIA chief and then secretary of state Mike Pompeo and national security adviser John Bolton, both of whom were determined to kill the treaty.
"One has to look at Trump's two critical foreign policy and security advisers at the time, Pompeo and Bolton. Trump foolishly appointed them to prove he is tough on Russia. He made many other stupid mistakes for the same reason," Lozansky said.
One can excuse Trump for being a "political novice who miraculously won in 2016 and found himself in an ocean of sharks," he added.
U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo walks on the ground of the White House December 11, 2020 in Washington, DC - Sputnik International, 1920, 11.01.2021
Pompeo Says Obama Risked US Lives by Complying With INF Treaty
The recent events show that "the Deep State learned the 2016 lessons" and the chances of Trump repeating the miracle of that year are quickly decreasing, at least for now, according to Lozansky.
"Almost each of the next 100 days till November 5 elections might bring unexpected events, not all of them bright for America and mankind," the expert concluded.
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