- Sputnik International, 1920
The Critical Hour
The mainstream news outlets play it safe by parroting the perspectives of their corporate benefactors. The Critical Hour uses clear, cutting edge insight and analysis to examine national and international issues impacting the global village in which we live.

Britain Behind Kursk Attack; Biden's Dangerous New Nuclear Strategy; RFK Jr May Support Trump

Britain Behind Kursk Attack; Biden's Dangerous New Nuclear Strategy; RFK Jr May Support Trump
Keir Starmer's hawkish administration set up the Kursk attack and is rumored to be pushing for massive escalations against Russia.
Jeremy Kuzmarov, author and managing editor of Covert Magazine, joins us to discuss rumors that RFK Jr may drop out of the race and support Donald Trump and the foreign policy of Kamala Harris.
Mark Sleboda, an international relations and security analyst, joins us to discuss Ukraine's escalatory attacks on Russian civilians and Joe Biden's dangerous new nuclear strategy.
George Szamuely, geopolitical analyst and author, joins us to discuss UK involvement in the Kursk invasion and other actions of escalation.
Dr. Linwood Tauheed, an Associate Professor of Economics at the University of Missouri-Kansas City, joins us to discuss the economic impact of war with Iran and African moves to escape Western colonialism.
Craig Jardula, co-host of the Convo Couch and host of the new show Pasta2go, joins us to discuss the threat to democracy that comes from neoliberal Democrats.
Dr. Margaret Flowers, activist and editor of Popular Resistance.org, joins us to discuss the prospects for a ceasefire deal in Gaza and the Democrat's ironclad support for the Netanyahu government.
Dr. David Oualaalou, international geopolitical consultant, veteran, and author, joins us to discuss the state of affairs along the contact line in Ukraine and the F35 boondoggle.
George Koo, journalist, social activist, and international business consultant, joins us to discuss Joe Biden's nuclear strategy aimed at BRICS coalition allies.
The views and opinions expressed in this program are those of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect the position of Sputnik.
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