- Sputnik International, 1920
Political Misfits
Political Misfits bring you news, politics and culture from the belly of Washington DC without the red and blue treatment. Informed by progressive politics, class analysis and anti-war activism, we break down the day's pressing economic, social and political stories from perspectives often ignored.

Harris’ Troubled Polling, CIA-MI6 Gaza Ceasefire Efforts, Labor Stats Gaffes

Harris’ Troubled Polling, CIA-MI6 Gaza Ceasefire Efforts, Labor Stats Gaffes
The Department of Justice seeks to take Google apart with its antitrust case against the tech giant’s dominance of the online ad market.
Spokesperson for Black Hive and radio show host Anthony Rogers Wright joins Misfits hosts Michelle Witte and John Kiriakou to discuss the worrying poll numbers for Vice President Kamala Harris as she catches but hasn’t passed GOP candidate Donald Trump, why this race looks more like the 2016 contest than that of 2020, what effect Tuesday’s debate is likely to have on the race, a new report on the US withdrawal of Afghanistan, Trump's remarks he'd lock up opponents if he wins, and whether Congress is yet again hurtling toward another government shutdown.
Author and West Coast Coordinator of the ANSWER Coalition Richard Becker discusses why international law doesn’t seem to figure into the “rules-based order” espoused by the US, increasing Israeli raids in the West Bank including an IDF sniper killing an American citizen, why Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu continues to reject ceasefire deals, why the UK and US intelligence chiefs held an unprecedented public event recently, the crisis continuing in Sudan and lack of international response, and the smug interview given by Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland where she essentially admitted US' role in sabotaging a peace deal between Russia and Ukraine a month into the operation.
Swiss banking industry whistleblower Brad Birkenfeld discusses a series of gaffes at the Bureau of Labor Statistics that are leading to greater questions about its accuracy and impartiality, and the US setting up a money transfer system to get funds to Iraq that lacked even basic security checks for decades and appears to have facilitated massive fraud.
The Misfits also discuss a social media uproar in Springfield, Ohio; the American obsession with celebrities’ politics’, and a strange new human case of bird flu.
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