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CIA Involvement in JFK Assassination Exposed in New Files

© AP Photo / AnonymousPresident John F. Kennedy winds up to throw out the first pitch to inaugurate the 1962 American League baseball season and DC Stadium in Washington in this April 9, 1962 file photo.
President John F. Kennedy winds up to throw out the first pitch to inaugurate the 1962 American League baseball season and DC Stadium in Washington in this April 9, 1962 file photo.  - Sputnik International, 1920, 19.03.2025
TOP REVELATIONS OF NEW JFK FILES The possible CIA role in Kennedy’s killing, the murder of their own agent - сheck out the most sensitive files.
KILLING OF CIA AGENT Gary Underhil, one of the CIA’s “special assignment” agents, was killed after telling friends the agency killed Kennedy and that he feared for his life. His death was ruled a “suicide.”
CIA’S ARMS TRAFFICKING The CIA transported Magnum pistols via the Japanese embassy weeks after Kennedy’s assassination in November 1963. The agency shipped these pistols “but no bullets”, according to the files.
CIA’S PUSH FOR EXPANDING CLOUT In a secret memo on June 30,1961, Kennedy’s advisor Arthur Schlesinger Jr. warned that the CIA had become too powerful, trying to pursue its own foreign policy. The agency was turning into “a state within a state,” he claimed.
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