
Lavrov Admits It Would Be 'Good' If UN Relocated From New York Amid Visa Snag

UNITED NATIONS (Sputnik) - Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Monday that it would be "good" if the United Nations relocated its headquarters elsewhere from New York.
"I think that would be good for New York," Lavrov told reporters during his visit to the UN in New York, when asked about his opinion on relocating the headquarters.
He refrained from responding to questions about the UN-brokered grain deal, telling one of the reporters, who yelled the question when the Russian foreign minister was passing by, not to shout.
Earlier, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that the issue of moving UN events from New York requires additional thought and analysis. The spokesman added that Russia was not alone to have been faced with visa hurdles created by the US in its capacity as the host country of the UN Security Council and General Assembly Headquarters.
US Not Issuing Visas to Russian Journos 'Blatant Violation of All International Norms'
On Sunday, Moscow slammed Washington's decision not to issue visas to the Russian reporters who were supposed to accompany Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov to the UN Security Council, adding that the United States breached its pledges to protect freedom of speech.

Future of Black Sea Grain Deal

Following his meeting with UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, the Russian foreign minister relayed to the media that Russia would move forward with studying proposals intended to improve the Black Sea Grain Deal.
During a meeting with Lavrov in New York earlier in the day, Guterres handed over a letter for President Vladimir Putin regarding improvement of the Black Sea grain deal.
"He [Guterres] conveyed his thoughts to us in the form of a letter, which outlined ideas on how to proceed," Lavrov told journalists. "Of course, we need to study the letter."
Although the meeting between the two officials focused heavily on the grain initiative, it was detailed by Lavrov that the nature of the deal, which - along with facilitating Ukraine's grain shipments - should remove obstacles to Russia's agricultural exports.
Kiev's Recent Strikes on Humanitarian Corridor Threaten Extension of Grain Initiative
However, the Russian official used the meeting to further underscore the West's reluctance to fulfill provisions of the grain deal when it comes to Russia's agricultural exports.
"I frankly told Antonio Guterres that we have not yet seen any desire from Western countries to take real steps to successfully implement the initiative of the Secretary General on a package approach to the export of agricultural products from Ukraine and the Russian Federation," Lavrov told journalists following his meeting with Guterres.
Lavrov detailed that the meeting between the pair lasted for more than an hour.