
Oversight Democrats Admits Hunter Biden Did 'Unlawful & Wrong Things'

Top Democrats on the House Oversight Committee are addressing concerns surrounding Hunter Biden's actions, while simultaneously distancing President Biden from his son's controversies.
Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.), a key member of the Oversight panel, emphasized the need to let the justice system follow its course, conceding that Hunter Biden was involved in wrongful activities. Raskin acknowledged Hunter's struggles with drug addiction and his engagement in unlawful activities.
"It does seem clear that this guy was addicted to drugs and did a lot of really unlawful and wrong things," Raskin said while on air in US TV weekly political affairs program.
The recent announcement by US Attorney General Merrick Garland granting special counsel authority to investigate Hunter Biden, led by Delaware US Attorney David Weiss, came after revelations from IRS whistleblowers about political bias in the federal investigation and the collapse of Hunter's plea deal.
Raskin maintained his faith in the justice system and suggested that the dissolution of Hunter Biden's plea agreement on tax and firearm charges paved the way for the special counsel appointment.
AG Garland Appoints Special Counsel in Hunter Biden Probe, Meets Backlash From GOP
Rep. Dan Goldman (D-NY), another Oversight Committee member, avoided directly condemning Hunter Biden but acknowledged allegations that he leveraged his family's name for financial gain.
"I think that same witness also made very clear that they never discussed business [and] that Hunter Biden was trying to promote an illusion of access to his father for his own reasons... That’s Hunter Biden. And you can make it whatever judgment you want to make about whether that was appropriate or not," Goldman said in a discussion on a US TV talk show.
Meanwhile, congressional Republicans are increasing their scrutiny of the Biden family, revealing financial records that indicate the family and its associates received around $20 million from foreign sources.
The White House has maintained that President Biden has not engaged directly in discussions about his son's activities.