"I guess you follow certain Telegram-channels. So, you probably know how many 'doppelgangers' President Putin has, right? Experts speculate if there is three or four of them. Which one shows himself to the public? This morning the president laid flowers at the monument to Minin and Pozharsky. Was it double number three or four? That is unclear, isn’t it? There is only one Putin," Peskov said at the Znanie (lit. "Knowledge") marathon at the Russia Expo.
Peskov also assured the participants that "President Putin will certainly attend the Russia Expo at VDNKh, but do not have the exact dates scheduled yet.
On November 4, the historic All-Russian Exhibition Center (VDNKh) opened the International Russia Expo Forum. The list of participant includes all the 89 regions, 22 federal executive bodies (ministries, as well as the Federal Agency for State Reserves), 20 companies, corporations and public organizations, 131 partners in total.
"Now, that the president is very busy home, he does not travel often, some trips have to be canceled," Peskov added.