
A Walk Through the Streets of Liberated Avdeyevka in Photos

Last week, Russian troops managed to break through the heavily fortified Donetsk suburb of Avdeyevka, with Russia's Ministry of Defense (MoD) announcing that soldiers had advanced over 8.5 km into Ukrainian positions in the area.
The Russian military successfully breached strong Ukrainian defense lines in Avdeyevka and broke through kilometers worth of fortifications last week.
The collapse of Ukraine’s positions in the region, located a mere 5 km from Donetsk, expands areas liberated by Russian troops, thus stepping up the security of some 600,000 residents.
Avdeyevka is the latest Donetsk city-adjacent settlement to be freed, with Russian forces previously advancing into Maryinka to the city’s west, and through Veseloye to its north, over the past month and a half.
Check out Sputnik's exclusive photos to experience the liberated settlement.
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Troops from Russia's Central Military District explore a site with collapsed buildings after the battle for Avdeyevka.

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An Orthodox icon depicting the Virgin Mary found in the streets of liberated Avdeyevka.
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A soldier from the Russian Central Military District looks around a secured area in Avdeyevka.

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A Russian fighter inspects the rubble of a destroyed building in liberated Avdeyevka.

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A residential building damaged by Ukrainian shells in Avdeyevka.

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A Russian soldier on his way through a cleared-out district of liberated Avdeyevka.

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An Orthodox church in liberated Avdeyevka that withstood Ukrainian shelling.

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A soldier from the Central Military District inspects the streets of liberated Avdeyevka.
