
Head of German Ruling Party Faction Calls to Freeze Conflict in Ukraine

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - The head of the parliamentary faction of the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD), Rolf Mutzenich, said Thursday it was necessary to think about how to freeze the armed conflict in Ukraine to later end it.
“Isn’t it time to not only talk about how to wage a war, but to also think about how to freeze and later end the war,” Mutzenich said, speaking in the lower house of the German parliament (Bundestag).
He also wondered why other European countries were doing much less for Ukraine than Germany, but were using much more belligerent rhetoric.
Russian President Vladimir Putin previously said that if Ukraine wanted talks, the Ukrainian decree prohibiting negotiations with Russia must be canceled. He said Russia had never been against resolving the conflict in Ukraine by peaceful means, but if Russia's security was guaranteed.