
Ukrainians Mobilized in Kherson Kept in 'Big Cage,' Unable to Contact Families - Source

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Ukrainian nationals, who have been mobilized in the city of Kherson, are being kept in a big cage without access to personal hygiene measures and contact with their families, sources familiar with the matter in the Kherson underground network told Sputnik.
"All those captured men are taken to the same place, to the territory of a former driving school, where a detoxification center was located earlier. They keep the conscripts in one big cage without even providing the basic hygiene standards," the sources said.
The mobilized Ukrainian nationals are denied the opportunity to contact their families and friends to prevent the former from receiving any documents that "might confirm their right to deferment or reservation," the sources also said.
Moreover, military commissars from western Ukraine may have been "bribing pensioners" from the Kiev-controlled part of Kherson, paying them $25 each for information about the place of residence of men subject to mobilization, the sources added.
Ukraine Prepares Total Mobilization in 5 Controlled Cities - Russian Official
Martial law was introduced in Ukraine on February 24, 2022. The next day, Volodymyr Zelensky signed a decree on general mobilization. The martial law and mobilization have been continuously extended since then. On May 9, Zelensky signed bills to extend mobilization and martial law in the country for another 90 days. Under martial law, men aged from 18 to 60 are prohibited from leaving Ukraine.