
Kiev's Press-Ganging May Lead to Popular Uprising in Ukraine - Expert

Facing a severe crisis in the number of Ukrainians willing to fight, the regime in Kiev has resorted to press-ganging people who would normally be considered unfit for military service.
Under the auspices of Ukraine's new mobilization bill, convicted criminals who committed crimes deemed not serious by Kiev are now eligible to fight on the front lines.
While the new bill is unlikely to drastically change things for Ukrainian military recruiters - who have received carte blanche from Kiev to meet recruitment quotas - it may eventually lead to residents rising up against Zelensky and his regime, suggested Russian military expert and political analyst Ivan Konovalov.
Konovalov did point out, however, that Kiev’s security services have proven to be quite adept at suppressing political opposition and dissidents within the country, although even their efforts may not be enough to stop the people fed up with the Ukrainian government’s press-ganging.
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According to the expert, the attempts by Ukrainian companies to deal with the ensuing deficit of workers by employing more women, not to mention Kiev’s plans to potentially start drafting females, pose a risk for the “Kiev Nazis” because “women are much more politically active” than men.
“Women, when the situation involves their families and loved ones, they become the most desperate revolutionaries,” Konovalov remarked.
Regarding allegations of Zelensky ramping up the mobilization efforts at the behest of the United States, the analyst argued that the Biden administration is playing it safe.
According to him, the White House deliberately refrains from making such demands from Kiev, opting instead to use Russophobic lawmakers like Lindsey Graham to send such messages to the Ukrainian leadership.