
Biden Continues to Spread Dubious Claims About October 7, Even as He Calls For Ceasefire

On Sunday, US President Joe Biden gave the commencement speech at the HBCU Morehouse in Atlanta, Georgia as part of his campaign to court black voters before November.
During his commencement speech at Morehouse, Biden used the opportunity to say that he is calling for an “immediate ceasefire” in Gaza, even as the US continues to support Israel on the international stage.

“That’s why I’ve called for an immediate ceasefire — an immediate ceasefire to stop the fighting — bring the hostages home. And I’ve been working on a deal as we speak, working around the clock to lead an international effort to get more aid into Gaza, rebuild Gaza,” Biden said, according to the official White House transcript of the speech.

The comments made some minor headlines, though it wasn’t the first time Biden publicly called for a ceasefire. What flew under the radar is that just a few sentences earlier, Biden made a claim about the October 7 surprise Hamas attack that is not only unconfirmed but was spread by the same doctor that helped spread the now-debunked claim that Hamas decapitated babies during the attack.

“What’s happening in Gaza and Israel is heartbreaking. Hamas’s vicious attack on Israel, killing innocent lives and holding people hostage. I was there [in Israel] nine days after, [the attack] — pictures of tying a mother and a daughter with a rope, pouring kerosene on them, burning them and watching as they died,” the President claimed.

On October 25, the director of Israel’s National Center of Forensic Medicine, Dr. Chen Kugel, who handled many of the Israeli bodies from October 7, presented images at a press conference showing what he claimed to be the charred remains of a woman and child tied together with a wire before being burned.
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At that same press conference, he and other members of the morgue claimed that they had seen the bodies of “babies” though he would not give an exact number, including burnt, headless bodies.
However, it has since been confirmed, including in Israeli media, that only one baby was killed on October 7: 10-month-old Mila Cohen, who tragically died after being shot and notably was not beheaded or burnt.
Even if we take Kugal’s claim of a mother and daughter being tied and burned at face value, something that is not a given considering the multitude of disproven claims from Israeli officials in the wake of October 7, it still does not match the claim made by Biden that he saw images of the victims having kerosene poured on them and being burned alive as Hamas watched.
The image Kugal shared only showed the charred remains of what he said were the victims, and a CT scan, allegedly of the same object, that showed two spinal cords and rib cages in the pile. But that doesn’t provide any evidence of who burned the victims or if the assailants were “watching as they died,” as Biden asserts.
Israeli media has also reported that there was a significant, though unknown, amount of victims on October 7 were killed by the IDF. It is entirely possible that the victims were tied up by Hamas, but then were burned by tank or helicopter attacks as the IDF moved in.
Biden’s comments were reminiscent of comments he made shortly after the October 7 attack, in which he claimed to have seen pictures of beheaded babies.

“I never really thought that I would see and have confirmed pictures of terrorists beheading children,” Biden said on October 11, after Israel’s i24 News reported that 40 babies had been decapitated in the attack, citing Israeli soldiers, a claim we now know to be false.

The White House later admitted that Biden had not seen pictures of beheaded children or babies and that the US could not confirm such reports. Biden instead based his comments on claims made hours earlier by a spokesman for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, they said.
Nevertheless, the President of the United States claiming that he personally saw photos of beheaded children gave the claim legitimacy and it continues to spread online today. Biden has never personally retracted his comments. In fact, he continued to spread it, even after the White House acknowledged that his claim to have seen the pictures personally was false.
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At a campaign event on December 12, Biden again made the claim that he saw photographs of beheaded infants. It also appears to be the first instance of Biden claiming to see a mother and daughter burned alive.
I saw some of the photographs when I was there [in Israel]— tying a mother and her daughter together on a rope and then pouring kerosene on them and then burning them, beheading infants, doing things that are just inhuman — totally, completely inhuman,” Biden said.
Requests to the White House by Sputnik for clarification went unanswered.