
Ukrainian Crews Say Abrams Tanks Problematic on Battlefield – Reports

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) – Ukrainian crews maintaining the M1 Abrams tanks supplied by the United States say there are numerous issues with using the armored vehicles on the battlefield, CNN reported on Wednesday.
The crews said that the $10 million vehicles did not have sufficient armor against modern weapons like drones, thus failing to adequately protect personnel against attacks. One member said that the tanks have become Russian forces’ "number one target."
They also said that the tanks appeared to have technical issues; for example, condensation affected electronic components. They noted that the tanks were not suitable for Ukraine’s situation, given that typically air power and artillery, which Ukrainian forces lack, help clear the battlefield before tanks and troops advance.
The US has deployed 31 Abrams in Ukraine, where they are used near the frontline in the east. Ukraine’s request for the tanks was controversial, given that the vehicles involve complicated supply chains and maintenance.