
Greek EPAM Party Calls for Lifting Sanctions Against Russia, Dialogue

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Greece's non-parliamentary United People's Front party (EPAM), which is running in the elections in the European Parliament, supports Russia and calls for lifting sanctions against the country along with ceasing arms transfers to Ukraine, Liudmila Bogila, the party's candidate for the elections, told Sputnik.
Bogila was born in the Lugansk region of the USSR. She is a professional doctor and the head of the Center for scientific and social initiatives.
"Only EPAM demands the lifting of sanctions against Russia and, moreover, supports Russia. EPAM has consistently taken a clear position in relations with Russia since the beginning of the [Ukrainian] crisis several years ago — it opposes the adoption of sanctions and is in favor of dialogue, for the preservation of friendly relations with Russia both in economy and in politics. And we want to convey this position to the voters," Bogila said.
The Ukrainian crisis began 10 years ago, but has worsened and gotten to a new, dangerous level, the candidate added.
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"Our party's election program directly says that today, when Europe, under US directions, is drawn into a war with Russia, the politicians of our country are preparing to sacrifice us to foreign interests. We are fighting to end the war in Ukraine and the lifting of sanctions against Russia, the only result of which is impoverishment of the people and enrichment of the elites," Bogila said.
The interests of the United States, not Russia's intentions, spurred the conflict, the candidate said.
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"People must understand, what is happening in Ukraine today is not the result of Russia's alleged invasive sentiment. It is the outcome of the invasive sentiments of the US and its satellites and Russia's forced actions," Bogila said, adding that most of the people she communicates with support this position.

Western countries and their allies rolled out a comprehensive sanctions campaign against Russia after it launched a military operation in Ukraine in February 2022. The EU, in particular, has already adopted 13 sanctions packages targeting Russia's economy, energy and banking services, among other areas. Moscow says that Western sanctions against Russia have failed.