
Tara Reade: If Biden is Reelected, 'We're Looking at World War III'

Tara Reade, who was the target of both legal and media attacks after she came out with her sexual harassment accusations against the then-Democratic presidential hopeful Joe Biden, has been living in Russia for over a year. She shared her impressions of life in the country on the sidelines of SPIEF 2024.
If Biden is reelected for another four years, “we're looking at World War III,Tara Reade, a writer, and former assistant in Joe Biden's Senate office, told Sputnik.
“There’s no question, that's where we're at right now,” she said on the sidelines of the 27th St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF).
“So the administration is very hawkish, the people around him and behind him. His leadership is feeble at best. I don't even know if he'll last that long, much less through the campaign. So no, I don't think America economically and existentially can survive Joe Biden and his administration,” Reade said.
Reade currently lives in Russia, where she has continued writing, and hosts a podcast. She claims she was forced to move to Russia because the FBI was harassing her, noting that they issued sealed subpoenas against her social media accounts.
Exclusive: How Tara Reade Was Branded a "Russian Asset" for Sexual Assault Claims Against Joe Biden
Weighing in on her impressions of life in Russia under sanctions, she extolled the thriving economy of the country, and how safe she felt living here.
“Russia is so safe. It's safer than the United States actually. You have a much lower crime rate. And I have been here a year and I can't tell you how much I love it,” said Reade.
The former Senate staffer lauded everything from the culture to the food and the efficiency of the transportation. She added that her travels had taken her outside Moscow, and everywhere across the country she witnessed, “a lot of development and building because …Russians have a thriving middle class and working class."
“I don't think the US wants their citizens to know how good it is because the Russian state provides education, medical care, and housing in a way that America does not. So we have 700,000 homeless right in comparison to Russia where there is virtually no homeless.”
People in Russia enjoy "a better standard of living because the economy is really thriving,” said Reade, pointing to the 5.7% growth rate of one of the world’s largest economies.
“That's a thriving economy. That's a sign that things are going the right direction,” underscored Tara Reade.
Russia in World’s Top-Ten Economies Since Start of Century – Analysis