Beyond Politics

Russian Synchronized Swimmers Win Free Routines at BRICS Games

The Russian national team won the free program in the synchronized swimming group competition at the BRICS Games in Kazan.
The Russian team represented by Alena Bakai, Elizaveta Brener, Ksenia Efimova, Alexandra Klenina, Alexandra Kuznetsova, Alina Rumyantseva, Alexandra Schmidt and Olga Tyutyunik scored 396.0988 points.
Russian Synchronized Swimmers Win Group Competition at BRICS Games
The DPRK team came in second with 293.6501 points, and of Belarus came third with 293.1792.
The fifth BRICS Games, which began in Kazan earlier this week, will run until June 24. The event brings together some 5,000 athletes from over 90 countries to compete for 387 medals.