
Foreign Agents Bill Adopted in Canada With Unprecedented Speed – Russian Foreign Ministry

On June 3, the Speaker of the Georgian Parliament, Shalva Papuashvili, signed the debatable law on foreign agents.
Canadian government showed the unprecedented speed in adopting the bill on foreign interference, said Russia's Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova, adding that such events reveal in the country, which is considered the "stronghold of Western values."

"I wonder what the part of Georgian society that was ready for anything to cancel the bill of foreign agents would feel, explaining their actions with adherence to "Western values". Now there is Canada. [It] Can't get more Western than that," she wrote on her social media.

Zakharova recalled the chronology of the introduction and adoption of the bill from May 3 to June 18.

"To sum up: the whole process took half a month - the unprecedented speed for a major change in legislation. The bill contains the following proposals: the creation of a list of foreign agents, the restriction of embassy staff and the creation of the Foreign Interference Commission," the spokeswoman stressed.

Why Justin Trudeau Has Ceased to Be the Voters' Darling in Canada
Meanwhile, fourteen Canadian opposition groups have written an open letter calling to "seize this parliamentary rush and return to normal work, as it is an obvious attempt to push the repressive law through parliament ahead of next year's parliamentary elections (the results of which will determine the fate of the executive power)," Zakharova stressed.

"Members of the House of Commons openly admit that they have not read the bill and simply vote for it unanimously. Thus, the Trudeau regime is pushing through the subservient Parliament the modified and hardened edition of the American Foreign Agents Act - FARA. This is Canada," Maria Zakharova concluded.
