
Ukraine Not Invited to NATO Summit, British Foreign Secretary Tells Russian Pranksters

Russian pranksters Vovan and Lexus phoned British Foreign Secretary David Cameron in disguise as former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko.
Ukraine will not be invited to join NATO at its July summit because the US is against it, British Foreign Minister David Cameron told pranksters Vovan and Lexus.
Vladimir Kuznetsov, AKA Vovan, and Aleksey Stolyarov, AKA Lexus, publshed the recording on their Telegram channel.
Cameron told the pair that Washington is against Ukraine joining the military bloc and that Volodymyr Zelensky should not argue with that decision.
The British minister also praised French President Emmanuel Macron for his enthusiasm for Ukraine. But he added that the British government was privately pushing France not to stoke further escalation with statements about sending troops to Ukraine.

"I really welcome the fact that the French have changed their view, but I am not sure that is the right approach. I mean I think that the problem is if you put foreign troops into Ukraine, you create target for [Russian President Vladimir] Putin," Cameron said.

"I am very keen on the French enthusiasm, but I am not sure they picked the right particular answer," he added. "We do not want an argument with them, we are just trying to say privately to them 'Let's think of the things we can do that are really helpful to Ukraine [without escalating the situation]."
Cameron insisted that the UK is "Ukraine's most ardent ally" and that aid to the country will not stop even if a new Labour Paryt government comes to power. But he added that too much depends on the US, which is not involved enough, and on Germany.
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