
NATO's Obsession Boosts Russia's Role as Global Leader - Former US Army Lieutenant Colonel

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - The latest NATO joint declaration condemning Russia appears to be backfiring and instead establishing Moscow more than ever as the leader of the global resistance against US hegemony, retired US Army Lieutenant Colonel and political consultant Earl Rasmussen, told Sputnik.
"If anything Russia is acting more of a leader here and thus it may strengthen Russia’s hand," Rasmussen said.
Russia was the central focus of the 32-nation Alliance declaration that was issued on Wednesday.
The declaration stated that Russia remains the most significant and direct threat to the Allies' security, and expressed profound concern over the deepening strategic partnership between Russia and China, which aims to undermine and reshape the rules-based international order.
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However, despite its hostile tone towards Russia and China, Rasmussen said he doubted the NATO summit had achieved any concrete results.
"I think in general the summit will accomplish very little. It will act as a cheerleader/pep-talk. Very little seems to have been accomplished thus far, with few exceptions." he said.
The declaration document itself showed a provocative mood towards Russia and China, Rasmussen observed.
"It discusses expansion in Europe as well as stronger coordination in Asia and the Middle East in addition to funding contributions and weapon system modernization," he added.
NATO leaders in their declaration also displayed a clearly stated objective to increase the number of joint military exercises and to establish a security presence along their eastern borders with Russia, Rasmussen noted.
The growing tensions expressed at the summit looked likely to endure, Rasmussen said, adding that China and Russia should react with patience but determination against the growing hostility they faced from the West.