
Belarusian Prime Minister Offers Venezuela to Share Practices to Counter Western Influence

MOSCOW (Sputnik) – It is reasonable for Belarus and Venezuela to exchange experience in the fight against Western sanctions, as well as share best practices for legislative initiatives, Belarusian Prime Minister Roman Golovchenko said during an official visit to Caracas on Tuesday.
"It is very important to share best practices, cases of how certain legislative acts and initiatives help block this destructive influence. I will be happy to convey to the Belarusian Parliament word of your readiness to sign an agreement and to start practical work within the framework of friendship groups created in both parliaments, in order to discuss these very important issues substantively," Golovchenko said at talks with President of the National Assembly of Venezuela Jorge Rodriguez as quoted by the Belta news agency.
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Golovchenko emphasized that the West operates according to the same scheme, where at the beginning it creates "a puppet group of people abroad and call them the true parliament of the country," then imposes its values, after that it creates and finances organizations that "carry out subversive activities" in society and opposes the creation of national industry and technological competencies.
"I think you have experienced it," Golovchenko said.
After his official visit to Venezuela, Golovchenko will head to Cuba and Nicaragua in order to develop cooperation with the countries.