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Russia May Launch Two X-Ray Telescopes Into Orbit in 2032, 2038 - Space Research Institute

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Russian scientists plan to launch two more x-ray telescopes, the Spektr-RGN and the Spektr-RGM, in 2032 and 2038, Alexander Lutovinov, the deputy director of the Space Research Institute (IKI) at the Russian Academy of Sciences, said on Friday.
"We hope that Spektr-RG will become not 'the swan song' of [Russia's] space program but another huge stage of its development because we have some serious plans and ideas on how to move forward in X-ray and gamma-ray astronomy. The Spektr-RGN project concerns establishing a pulsar navigation system. We have everything, given we start this year, to launch in 2031-2032," Lutovinov said at the anniversary of the Spektr-RG space observatory.
The launch of the Spektr-RGM project may become another important step in the development of X-ray astronomy, he also said, adding that this telescope will operate in the Compton range and explore the universe in nuclear lines.
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"According to our estimates, we can make that one in 9–10 years, given we start in 2029," Lutovinov added.