
Iran Calls on UNSC Members to Condemn Israel's Strike on Lebanon - Document

UNITED NATIONS (Sputnik) - The Iranian Mission to the United Nations has sent sent a letter to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and the Russian Mission to the UN, which holds the presidency of the Security Council, demanding that they condemn Israel's strike on Lebanon.
On Tuesday, the Israel Defense Forces announced that it carried out a strike in the southern suburb of Beirut targeting a "commander responsible for the murder of the children in Majdal Shams and the killing of numerous additional Israeli civilians." Later, the IDF said that the "most senior military commander" of Lebanese Shia movement Hezbollah, Fuad Shukr, was killed in the strike. Lebanese media reported that at least three people were killed and 74 others were injured as result of the attack.
Attempt to Kill Hezbollah Commander Shukr Failed - Source in Movement
"The heinous crime constitutes a blatant violation of Lebanon’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, the UN Charter, and international law, particularly international humanitarian law." the letter, obtained by Sputnik, said. "It must be unequivocally and immediately condemned by the Security Council."
The Israeli army said last Saturday that 12 people had been killed in a rocket strike on the Golan Heights, which it blamed on Hezbollah. The Lebanese movement denied the claim. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Israel would not leave the attack on the Golan Heights unanswered and Hezbollah would pay a price "it has never paid before."