
West Pushing Destructive Agenda in South Caucasus - Moscow

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - The West is pushing forward a destructive agenda in the South Caucasus, whose goal is to fragment the region and destroy historical ties with Russia, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova told Sputnik.
Earlier, US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs James O'Brien in his statement actually admitted that Washington is trying to create conditions for a break between Yerevan and Moscow. He said a significant part of Armenia's population want to distance themselves from Russia, and the United States is creating conditions for this.
"The West is pushing forward a destructive agenda in the South Caucasus, the main goal of which is the same – to fragment the region’s space, destroying Russia’s historical ties with its traditional allies and neighbors," Zakharova said, commenting on O'Brien's words.
West's Agenda in South Caucasus Does Not Always Meet Interests of Regional States
She added that the US statements that Armenia wants to turn away from Russia are unfounded, the ties between Russia and Armenia that have been formed over centuries will withstand all the tests of strength.
"As for O'Brien's unfounded assertions that Armenia wants to turn away from Russia, this is another example of the geopolitical engineering inherent in the Americans - the desire to fabricate in the eyes of the world community the 'reality' that Washington needs, which has nothing to do with what is actually happening," Zakharova said.
The participants of the Geneva International Discussions should utilize their potential to start working out an agreement on the non-use of force between Georgia on the one hand and Abkhazia and South Ossetia, on the other, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman also said.
"We believe that participants in the Discussions should make a greater effort to utilise their potential by starting first of all to work out an agreement on the non-use of force between Tbilisi, on the one hand, and Sukhum and Tskhinval, on the other," Zakharova was quoted by the Russian Foreign Ministry as saying on the anniversary of the August 2008 conflict in the Caucasus.
Moscow considers the adoption of such legal obligations as a guarantee against a repetition of the tragic events in the future, she said.
The United States and its allies have intensified their attempts to use interregional contradictions in order to inflame the situation near Russia's borders, thus disregarding the interests and jeopardizing the security of the countries of the region, Zakharova added.
The Geneva International Discussions is a multilateral forum that was launched to address the security and humanitarian consequences of the 2008 conflict between Georgia, its breakaway regions of South Ossetia and Abkhazia, and Russia. The two self-proclaimed republics are recognized by Russia, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Nauru and Syria, while Georgia and the vast majority of UN member states have not recognized them.