Russia's Special Operation in Ukraine

Attack on Ukrainian Village Hits Kraken Unit

DONETSK (Sputnik) - The "incoming strike" was recorded in Galytsynovoe in the Nikolaev Region of Ukraine, and the location of neo-Nazi Kraken Regiment* was hit, the coordinator of the pro-Russian underground network, Sergei Lebedev, told Sputnik on Wednesday.
"There is the village of Galytsynovoe in the south of the Nikolaev Region, there is an alumina refinery and an important port area. Extremists from the Kraken gang, which is banned in Russia, have settled in these places. And finally, they were struck," Lebedev said.
Lebedev added that the strike was allegedly carried out on the warehouse where the missiles were located. He suggested that these were ATACMS missiles.
Russia's Special Operation in Ukraine
EXCLUSIVE: Russian Specialists Studied Concept of Operation of ATACMS Cluster Submunition
The Kraken Regiment is a Ukrainian military volunteer unit, part of the Main Directorate of Intelligence of Ukraine. The national battalion was formed by veterans of the Azov Regiment* and take part in counter offensives and sabotage operations.
*banned in Russia for terrorism and extremism