Russia's Special Operation in Ukraine

Russian Armed Forces Must Kick Enemy Out of Russian Territories – Putin

VLADIVOSTOK (Sputnik) - The Russian armed forces must push enemy troops out of the Russian territories, Russian President Vladimir Putin said during the plenary session of the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok on Thursday.
"The armed forces' holy duty is to do everything to throw out the enemy out of those territories," Putin said.
Residents of the border regions of the Russian Federation are suffering from terrorist attacks from Ukraine, first of all we need to think about them, Putin said.
"First of all, we must think about the people who, of course, are going through serious hardships and suffering from these terrorist attacks [from Ukraine]. The sacred duty of the armed forces is to do everything to kick the enemy out of these territories and reliably protect our citizens. The whole country, of course, should do everything to support people," Putin said.
Kiev, having launched an attack on the Kursk Region, wanted to stop Russia's offensive in the Donbas, but nothing happened, Putin said.
"The enemy's goal was to make us nervous, transfer troops from one sector to another and stop our offensive in key areas, primarily in Donbas, the liberation of which is our primary goal," Putin said.
Russia's offensive in the special operation zone is not being contained, Putin added.
Russia's Anti-Terrorism Committee Says to Strengthen Measures in Regions Bordering Ukraine
The Eastern Economic Forum began on Tuesday and will run through Friday. It is being hosted by the Far Eastern Federal University in Russia's Pacific coast city of Vladivostok. Sputnik is the general information partner of the EEF 2024.