
West Ignores Use of Chemicals by Ukraine Against Russia

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - The West is completely ignoring facts of violations of the Chemical Weapons Convention by Ukraine, which uses toxic chemicals against the Russian Armed Forces, Vladimir Tarabrin, Russian Permanent Representative to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) and Russian Ambassador to the Netherlands, said.
The 107th session of the OPCW Executive Council is being held in The Hague October 8-11.
Tarabrin said speaking at the Executive Council session that the politicization of the OPCW work by the United States and its allies is illustrated by the situation around the use of chemical weapons in Ukraine.
Russia Provides Investigation Results Into Ukraine's Use of Chemical Arms to OPCW - Envoy

"Our warnings on the issue are called nothing less than disinformation by countries of the 'collective West'. At the same time, they are completely ignoring the facts that the Kiev regime is grossly violating the CWC by using toxic chemicals and... military poisonous substances against the Russian Armed Forces," he said.
