
Ukraine War Set to Continue as US Desperately Attempts to Salvage Global Leadership

Civil society has been under increasing attack since a 2014 US-backed regime change operation trampled over the rights of ethnic Russians in eastern Ukraine.
The US-led world order is currently being discredited on a number of fronts. Economically the West is failing, with skyrocketing inequality and a loss of dynamism and innovation to the Chinese-led Global South. Its reputation lies in tatters as the genocidal brutality of its Israeli client state is fully unveiled.
Now the defeat of the United States in its Ukraine proxy war threatens to hammer the final nail into the coffin as even its long assumed military superiority is in serious doubt.

“​​US global leadership is on the line,” claimed Mark Sleboda on the last episode of Sputnik’s The Final Countdown program Tuesday.

The analyst joined hosts Ted Rall and Steve Gill to explain the latest desperate attempts of the Russophobic Maidan regime to recruit new soldiers to its ranks as Moscow continues its steady liberatory march westward.
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“The Kiev regime's intelligence services, the security services, the conscription services, the TCC, they've all been thoroughly infiltrated by, shall we be generous and say, the far-right, the Banderite fascists that have been the regime's vanguard since the events of the Maidan putsch in 2014,” said Sleboda.

“The simple matter of the fact is that men cannot protest in Ukraine because if you go out and protest, you're going to be grabbed and you're going to be found in a trench somewhere north of Ugledar now or in Kursk [region] or in Toretsk, or some equally dangerous place where your lifespan could be measured in days once you find yourself there,” he claimed. “It's very hard to rise up to protest.”

“Unfortunately I do not believe that the Ukraine is in a place where the people have the ability to say ‘enough is enough.’”
Civil society has been under increasing attack since a 2014 US-backed regime change operation trampled over the rights of ethnic Russians in eastern Ukraine. A recent article in the Associated Press – a prominent Western wire service that has worked closely with the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) – attempted to defend the erosion of rights in the country, absurdly suggesting that Ukraine must destroy democracy in order to save it.
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“Elections have been postponed, a once-robust media has been restrained, corruption-fighting has slipped down the agenda, and freedom of movement and assembly have been curbed by martial law,” admitted writer Jill Lawless. In fact freedom of movement has been eliminated entirely for young Ukrainian men desperate to avoid being drafted into a failing effort, with viral videos showing them being violently snatched off the streets by conscription officers.
“During wartime, Ukraine can be a democracy even without elections,” claimed Olha Aivazovska, the head of a so-called pro-democracy charity. “Russia formally had elections in March, but that doesn’t mean that Russia is a democratic state,” she continued, suggesting that proximity to Moscow is the most important measure for Western analysts of a country’s virtue.
Aivazovska is rewarded for her rhetoric through grants from the US Agency for International Development (USAID), which has provided her organization OPORA with $1.4 million in funds.
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“Meanwhile the Ukrainian media, such as it exists – I would say it's more the Telegram channels, the social media – are discussing again today that politicians from both sides of the Coke-Pepsi divide in US politics, both sides of the aisle, are pushing for the Kiev regime to lower the conscription age to 18 so that they have more manpower to pull from,” Sleboda noted. “That will be very dangerous for Ukraine's future because of the extreme demographic narrowing that has prevented that from now.”

“I would think [a loss in Ukraine] would be a lot worse than the Afghanistan withdrawal because most Western analysts regard this – and I agree with them on this – as a world order shaping conflict,” the analyst continued. “US global leadership is on the line. Boris Johnson, the former British prime minister, said it outright: US-led Western global hegemony is on the line.

“They believe in a post-modern domino theory that if they are seen as losing here in Ukraine against Russia… this would be some kind of modern domino theory... So there’s just no off-ramp. I don’t even think there’s a conception of seeing an off-ramp, certainly not from Biden-Harris.”
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