19 July 2017, 14:22 GMT
- 1 percent
- The BradСast
- Radio
- Shows
- California
- Syria
- Barack Obama
- Paul Ryan
- Donald Trump
- Mitch McConnell
- Jerry Brown
- Barbara Lee
- BP
- Shell
- US Senate
- Democrats
- Republicans
- Congressional Budget Office (CBO)
- Exxon Mobil
- Daesh
- coal
- Obamacare
- War on Terror
- natural gas
- social security
- tax the rich
- Paris Climate Agreement
- BP Oil Disaster
- US
- climate change
- Iraq War
- US Department of Defense (DoD)
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1 May 2017, 08:41 GMT
- 1 percent
- The BradСast
- Radio
- Shows
- Kansas
- Ronald Reagan
- George W. Bush
- Donald Trump
- Bill O'Reilly
- Roger Ailes
- Fox News
- Democrats
- Republicans
- Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
- Tea Party
- corporatism
- accountability
- mainstream media failure
- Bush legacy
- Women's March
- tax reform
- the other 98
- March For Science
- US
- Environment
- climate change
- Steven Mnuchin
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