30 March 2016, 11:32 GMT
- 1percent
- The BradСast
- Radio
- Shows
- Washington
- Hawaii
- Alaska
- Phoenix
- Donald Trump
- Bernie Sanders
- Hillary Clinton
- Ted Cruz
- John Kasich
- Antonin Scalia
- Merrick Garland
- US Supreme Court
- Democrats
- US Senate
- Republicans
- 2016 US Presidential Run
- 2016 Election
- healthcare
- religion
- unions
- election reform
- Make America Great Again
- rights and freedoms
- theother98
- FeeltheBern
- election irregularities
- US
- Obamacare
- Arizona
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28 February 2016, 16:19 GMT
- 1percent
- The BradСast
- Radio
- Shows
- Nevada
- South Carolina
- Barack Obama
- Michael Bloomberg
- Bill Clinton
- Donald Trump
- Bernie Sanders
- Hillary Clinton
- Chris Christie
- Marco Rubio
- Jeb Bush
- Ted Cruz
- John Kasich
- Democrats
- Republicans
- debates
- 2016 US Presidential Run
- 2016 Election
- US election primaries
- presidential race
- injustice
- corporatism
- pension cuts
- middle class
- justiceforall
- theother98
- USelections
- taxcuts
- FeeltheBern
- US
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20 January 2016, 17:06 GMT
- 1percent
- The BradСast
- Radio
- Shows
- New Hampshire
- Michigan
- Flint
- Donald Trump
- Bernie Sanders
- Hillary Clinton
- Marco Rubio
- Ted Cruz
- John Kasich
- Koch Brothers
- Democrats
- Oxfam
- Republicans
- debates
- 2016 US Presidential Run
- 2016 Election
- State of the Union
- injustice
- US economy
- election reform
- theother98
- USelections
- taxtherich
- whorunstheworld
- whorulestheworld
- Barack Obama
- US
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