31 May 2017, 18:00 GMT
- BP spill
- The BradСast
- Radio
- Shows
- France
- California
- China
- Germany
- Italy
- Rick Perry
- Donald Trump
- Pope Francis
- Jerry Brown
- Angela Merkel
- Scott Pruitt
- Ted Cruz
- Gary Cohn
- Rex Tillerson
- Ivanka Trump
- Jared Kushner
- Department of Energy
- Democrats
- Republicans
- Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
- Exxon Mobil
- fracking
- wind
- Oil
- extreme weather
- mainstream media failure
- Paris Agreement
- US
- Environment
- The United Nations (UN)
- nuclear power
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3 May 2017, 20:00 GMT
- BP spill
- The BradСast
- Radio
- Shows
- Russia
- Montana
- Barack Obama
- Donald Trump
- Dianne Feinstein
- James Comey
- Hillary Clinton
- US Senate
- Democrats
- The New York Times
- Republicans
- Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
- WikiLeaks
- 2016 US Presidential election
- accountability
- Paris climate talks
- Email Scandal
- US
- climate change
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5 April 2016, 23:53 GMT
- BP spill
- Society
- Environment
- Business
- World
- Newsfeed
- US
- Canada
- Barack Obama
- Justin Trudeau
- Stephen Harper
- Hillary Clinton
- Bernie Sanders
- Donald Trump
- TransCanada Corporation
- US Congress
- White House
- U.S. Department of State
- Sierra Club
- oil spill
- Deepwater Horizon
- environmental activism
- environmental activists
- environmental degradation
- environmentalism
- environmentalist
- environmental justice
More 27
15 January 2016, 15:16 GMT
- BP spill
- The BradСast
- Radio
- Shows
- Nevada
- Florida
- Iowa
- Bernie Sanders
- Hillary Clinton
- Martin O'Malley
- Koch brothers
- Brian Sandoval
- Lauren Randall
- BP
- Democrats
- Republicans
- Tea Party
- Sunrun
- Public Utilities Commission
- 2016 US Presidential Run
- 2016 Election
- solar energy
- State of the Union
- injustice
- US elections
- clean energy
- Nazi
- Barack Obama
- US
- oil spill
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