15 July 2016, 11:27 GMT
- Bushlegacy
- The BradСast
- Radio
- Shows
- Ohio
- Libya
- Ronald Reagan
- Donald Trump
- Bernie Sanders
- Hillary Clinton
- Ron Paul
- Mike Pence
- Al Franken
- Democrats
- Republicans
- 2016 US Presidential Run
- 2016 Election
- Benghazi attacks
- Make America Great Again
- USelections
- FeeltheBern
- Republican Convention
- US
- Environment
- climate change
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29 June 2016, 11:05 GMT
- Bushlegacy
- The BradСast
- Radio
- Shows
- California
- Istanbul
- Turkiye
- Texas
- Israel
- Colorado
- Donald Trump
- Bernie Sanders
- Hillary Clinton
- Jill Stein
- Debbie Wasserman Schultz
- Barbara Lee
- Keith Ellison
- Democrats
- Republicans
- Salon
- Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)
- torture
- marijuana
- minimum wage
- War on Terror
- Waterboarding
- rights and freedoms
- Texit
- US
- Economy
- Environment
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7 May 2016, 10:51 GMT
- Bushlegacy
- The BradСast
- Radio
- Shows
- Washington D.C
- Canada
- Michigan
- Flint
- Barack Obama
- Donald Trump
- Bernie Sanders
- Hillary Clinton
- Ted Cruz
- John Kasich
- Democrats
- Republicans
- 2016 US Presidential Run
- UK elections
- 2016 Election
- US election primaries
- national security
- water
- Oil
- Election Fraud
- USelections
- election irregularities
- US
- Economy
- Environment
- New York
- climate change
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28 April 2016, 11:39 GMT
- Bushlegacy
- The BradСast
- Radio
- Shows
- Chicago
- Maryland
- Connecticut
- Pennsylvania
- Russia
- Rhode Island
- Delaware
- George W. Bush
- Bill Clinton
- Donald Trump
- Bernie Sanders
- Hillary Clinton
- Ted Cruz
- Carly Fiorina
- Dennis Hastert
- John Kasich
- Democrats
- Republicans
- 2016 US Presidential Run
- 2016 Election
- US election primaries
- Chernobyl nuclear disaster
- Primaries
- USelections
- vote flipping
- election irregularities
- SuperTuesday
- US
- nuclear power
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12 April 2016, 20:24 GMT
- Bushlegacy
- World
- Middle East
- Newsfeed
- US
- Military & Intelligence
- George W. Bush
- Brian Becker
- Dick Cheney
- Saddam Hussein
- Colin Powell
- Donald Rumsfeld
- Osama bin Laden
- Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi
- Michael Prysner
- White House
- Iraqi Ba'ath Party
- US Department of Defense (DoD)
- Pentagon
- Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
- US Military
- US Marines
- Daesh
- al-Qaeda
- War in Iraq
- war crimes
- genocide
- genocide denial
- war profiteering
- Iraq War
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23 March 2016, 12:21 GMT
- Bushlegacy
- The BradСast
- Radio
- Shows
- Belgium
- Utah
- North Carolina
- Donald Trump
- Bernie Sanders
- Hillary Clinton
- Ted Cruz
- John Kasich
- Democrats
- Republicans
- Daesh
- war on terror
- 2016 US Presidential Run
- Iraq War
- 2016 Election
- presidential race
- election reform
- internet voting
- USelections
- FeeltheBern
- election irregularities
- caucuses
- Brussels
- JeSuisBruxelles
- US
- Arizona
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12 March 2016, 11:19 GMT
- Bushlegacy
- The BradСast
- Radio
- Shows
- Ohio
- Florida
- Barack Obama
- Dick Cheney
- Donald Trump
- Marco Rubio
- Ted Cruz
- John Kasich
- Democrats
- Republicans
- Salon
- The Fiscal Times
- 2016 US Presidential Run
- 2016 Election
- Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)
- presidential race
- torture
- education
- social security
- debates
- corporate media
- US
- Iraq War
- Syria
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24 February 2016, 18:41 GMT
- Bushlegacy
- The BradСast
- Radio
- Shows
- Fiji
- West Virginia
- Oklahoma
- Barack Obama
- John McCain
- Lindsey Graham
- Bernie Sanders
- Rush Limbaugh
- Mitch McConnell
- Hillary Clinton
- Mark Kirk
- Antonin Scalia
- US Supreme Court
- US Circuit Court of Appeals
- Democrats
- The Washington Post
- US Senate
- Guantanamo prison
- Republicans
- Guantanamo Bay
- 2016 US Presidential Run
- 2016 Election
- climate change
- global warming
- presidential race
- coal
- water pollution
- Guantanamo
- War on Terror
- natural gas
- Gitmo
- greenhouse emissions
- Fossil Fuels
- Paris climate talks
- USelections
- extreme weather
- Oil
- US
- Environment
- The United Nations (UN)
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23 February 2016, 17:49 GMT
- Bushlegacy
- The BradСast
- Radio
- Shows
- Nevada
- South Carolina
- Michael Bloomberg
- George W. Bush
- Donald Trump
- Bernie Sanders
- Hillary Clinton
- Chris Christie
- Marco Rubio
- Jeb Bush
- Ted Cruz
- John Kasich
- Democrats
- Republicans
- 2016 US Presidential Run
- 2016 Election
- US election primaries
- presidential race
- FeelTheBurn
- USelections
- US
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9 February 2016, 15:58 GMT
- Bushlegacy
- The BradСast
- Radio
- Shows
- New Hampshire
- Iowa
- Barack Obama
- George W. Bush
- Donald Trump
- Chris Christie
- Marco Rubio
- Jeb Bush
- Ted Cruz
- Ben Carson
- Rick Santorum
- John Kasich
- Democrats
- Republicans
- 2016 US Presidential Run
- 2016 Election
- immigration
- national security
- torture
- mainstream media
- War on Terror
- debates
- dirty politics
- USelections
- US
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