4 December 2017, 18:44 GMT
- social security
- The BradСast
- Radio
- Shows
- Alabama
- Russia
- Paul Ryan
- Robert Mueller
- Roy Moore
- Michael Flynn
- US Senate
- US House of Representatives
- Democrats
- Republicans
- Department of Justice
- Koch Industries
- US Chamber of Commerce
- religion
- accountability
- Healthcare
- election irregularities
- 2016 presidential election
- tax cuts
- public lands
- US
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19 October 2017, 18:48 GMT
- social security
- The BradСast
- Radio
- Shows
- California
- Alaska
- Pennsylvania
- China
- Virgin Islands
- Paul Ryan
- Donald Trump
- Mitch McConnell
- Ricardo Rossello
- Patty Murray
- US House of Representatives
- Democrats
- US Senate
- Republicans
- Obamacare
- wildfires
- Global Warming
- Affordable Care Act
- natural disasters
- Hurricane Irma
- Hurricane Maria
- US
- climate change
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