29 April 2017, 19:04 GMT
- Al Gore
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- Environment
- Earth
- Washington DC
- Barack Obama
- Richard Branson
- Donald Trump
- Leonardo DiCaprio
- Women's March on Washington
- March for Science
- march
- global warming
- protest
- anti-Trump protest
- climate change
- global warming
- march
- coal
- protest rally
- fossil fuels
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20 October 2016, 10:11 GMT
- Al Gore
- The BradСast
- Radio
- Shows
- Russia
- Ohio
- John McCain
- Donald Trump
- Bernie Sanders
- Vladimir Putin
- Hillary Clinton
- Chris Wallace
- Democrats
- Republicans
- WikiLeaks
- Salon
- The Fiscal Times
- 2016 US Presidential Run
- 2000 Presidential Election
- Immigration
- Gun Violence
- Voting Rights
- mainstream corporate media
- US
- climate change
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