"We are sure that we will ensure security at the same level as during the World Cup last summer," Wolfgang Schauble, of the Christian Democratic Union, said in an interview with the Passauer Neue Zeitung, a German newspaper.
He expressed concern over mounting "anti-G8" aspirations, and said "soft" actions by anti-globalization activists could easily evolve into terrorist attacks.
"So far, we have no specific information about any preparations for terrorist attacks, but if you have the most influential global leaders gathered in one place, you get a high level of danger. So we will take all conceivable steps, including preventive, to ensure their security," he said.
He said Germany would deploy up to 16,000 federal as well as local police and security officers in the town and elsewhere, remembering the 7/7 terrorist attacks that overshadowed the Gleneagles summit in 2005.